August 27 – Sarah Laughs – Genesis 18
Sarah was Abraham’s wife. Abraham was given the covenant to be the origin of God’s chosen people, the Jews. It would be through Sarah that God’s promise would be fulfilled when God promised that Abraham’s seed would multiplied. There seemed to be a major problem with God’s promise as Sarah had never given birth and she was nearing 90 years old. So, just like we do sometimes, Sarah doubted that she would ever have a son. When she heard the angels tell Abraham that she would have a son, she chuckled to herself. When confronted with her doubt, she did what many of us do . . . she denied that she doubted. She denied laughing when hearing the angels promising that she would give birth to a son. Abraham did the same thing in 17:17. Sarah does give birth to a son named, Isaac. He would become the father of Jacob, who in turn would have his name changed to Israel, God’s chosen people. It is interesting to note that Sarah was still blessed with a son in the face of her doubt. I am so glad God exercises mercy and grace consistently!
You can see a testimony of the kind of wife Sarah was to Abraham in verse 6. Abraham coming running into Sarah’s tent telling her to drop everything, change her schedule for the day, and make some bread. Sarah had her priorities in order. As God blessed Abraham, so she was blessed.