October 31 – God Creates Human Beings – Genesis 2
A lot happens in verse 7. God creates Adam from the dust of the ground. Man did not evolve over millions of years from a monkey or anything else a fellow human has fabricated. God created man! Man was the only creation that mentions God breathing life into the body. This life mentioned is actually the soul. Man is God’s only creation that has a soul. This trait sets man apart from any animal God created. With a soul, man has the ability to make choices free from instinct or any other controlling factor. This soul is the part of man that will live eternally. That soul will either live in Heaven or Hell for eternity. The soul of every man will live in Heaven or Hell by the choice man makes regarding whether or not he accepts Jesus Christ as the Son of God or not. It is a choice. Why are there men that try to disprove God’s creation of man by placing their faith in an unprovable theory such as evolution? If man can explain away God, than man does not have to answer to a higher power. But, just because a man wants to reject God’s existence and ultimate power, does not mean he will get a free pass to avoid God’s righteous judgment. Just because man says something is so, does not make it true. I can sleep in the garage tonight, and call myself a car; but in the morning I will be no more a car than I am a giraffe. We are what God created us to be. Each of us has a purpose. Each of us were created to please God.
Psalm 139:14 “I will praise thee; for I am fearfully and wonderfully made: marvellous are thy works; and that my soul knoweth right well.”