COVID 19 Statement
To our church members and guests:
Crusade Baptist Church is committed to continue providing a safe and healthy place to worship our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. We have therefore prayerfully decided to remain in operation during these times in order to minister to the spiritual needs of our community.
We have taken every precaution to follow CDC guidelines to best of our ability while respecting the rights and liberties of the individuals to which we minister. The following are a few common sense guidelines that we ask our members and guests to please follow:
Screening & Policies for Signs & Symptoms of COVID-19
We urge all of our staff, church members and potential guests to self-monitor for signs and symptoms of COVID-19. The following policies and procedures are being implemented to assess health status prior to entering our church building, and for staff/volunteers to report when they are sick or experiencing symptoms.
- Any church member or guest considered to be high risk is urged to continue to worship from home and watch our live-streaming services.
- Upon arrival, we ask that you please wash your hands. Hand-sanitizing stations are present in the foyer.
- Masks are available in the foyer at no charge.
- Crusade Baptist Church regularly follows our Covid 19 Cleaning Protocol.
- Any church member or guest experiencing COVID-19 symptoms should remain home and watch our live-streaming services.
- Further temperature screening will take place prior to children’s ministries. (AWANA and Church Bus).
Respiratory Etiquette: Cover Your Cough or Sneeze
We encourage all who enter our building to cover their mouth and nose with their sleeve or a tissue when coughing or sneezing, and to avoid touching their face—in particular their mouth, nose, and eyes—with their hands. They should dispose of tissues in the trash and wash or sanitize their hands immediately afterward. Respiratory etiquette will be demonstrated on posters and supported by making tissues and trash receptacles available throughout the church building.
Social Distancing
We encourage social distancing by family units.

Covid-19 Cleaning Protocol
- A state-of-the-art commercial air purification system has been installed
- Thorough cleaning takes place prior to each service
- Pews and surfaces are sanitized on a regular basis
- Restrooms are cleaned and sanitized
- Masks are available in the foyer
- Hand sanitizer is available throughout the church building