In chapter 15, God outlines many restrictions and guidelines when dealing with people who had various infirmities. These guidelines weren’t arbitrary, they were for the express purpose of preserving his chosen people. God knows what is best for us and his word gives us that information. Wisdom comes when we follow what God says and apply his guidelines to our life.
Atonement is reconciliation or restoration or the relationship between God and man. In chapter 16, God describes the events of the day of atonement that the children of Israel would have to observe every year in perpetuity. When Christ died on the cross, we received everlasting atonement!
For if, when we were enemies, we were reconciled to God by the death of his Son, much more, being reconciled, we shall be saved by his life.
Romans 5:10-12
And not only so, but we also joy in God through our Lord Jesus Christ, by whom we have now received the atonement.
Wherefore, as by one man sin entered into the world, and death by sin; and so death passed upon all men, for that all have sinned:
Tuesday Leviticus 17-18 so when our church shut down during the pandemic we weren’t really doing anything since you can’t worship at home
i think you can worship at home its just not the same as it would be going to church. and God wants us to fellowship with other believers.
First One to Post!
Wednesday Leviticus 19-20:God wants us to be separated from the world.
Sometimes it can be hard not to do what the world is doing because sin is everywhere. But God wants us not be like this world.
Good thought Titus.
Isaac it can be hard to do at first, but the more separated you become the easier it becomes.
The Bible calls lack of separation being “conformed” to the world. “And be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God.” Romans 12:2
Leviticus 19-20
In verse 28 it basically tells us not to make markings‘’tattoos’’on our body’s. I think that’s why we should not have tattoos, because when we become a Christian a body becomes a temple for the Holy Ghost.
I agree!
Pretty understandable
God wants us to be like him. leviticus 19:2 says ” ye shall be holy for i the lord your God am holy ” we need to be christ like
The more we understand just how HOLY God is, the more we are challenged to be holier.
“I”and “Lord” need to be capitalized, but nice thought
Very rude I must say.
Proverbs 16 has a TON of wisdom in His teachings. I recommend all of y’all read it! In the the chapter it deals out some powerful convictions and standards we should apply to our lives as Christians.
One of my favorites . . . . “Commit thy works unto the Lord, and thy thoughts shall be established.” Proverbs 16:3
You figured out how to change the picture beside your name, good one!
I feel like the entire book of Psalm and Proverbs has a lot of wisdom.
Thursday – In chapter 21 you will see a list of things that were wrong for the priests to do. You will see that God set a higher standard for the priests than He did for the general population.
L.I.T. Crew let me warn you . . . . IF you choose to sell out totally to God and give Him your life, you will be held to a higher set of standards than your average nonchalant Christians; BUT you will also experience God’s presence and blessings on a much higher level. I sooooooo wish God’s best for each of you! I don’t want you to miss even one of God’s blessings!
Friday Leviticus 23-24
Gods is very specific about everything we do. It shows how much He cares for us.
Leviticus 23-24
In chapter 24:15 it tells us not to go against God. I know sometimes in the world today it can be very easy for us to think against God or get mad at him because of some circumstances. So I want to encourage you to follow Gods will for your life and to trust Him through those hard times and circumstances.
Friday Leviticus 23-24
God was very serious about punishments.
Sunday Leviticus 25-26
Keep Gods commandments and He will bless you.
Leviticus 27
God wants us to tithe with our work/time as well as with our money.
Monday Numbers 1:
We should be willing to be a Christian soldier
Numbers 1,
Question. Why did God not want the Levites counted. It seems like God had all the other tribes of Israel counted but not the Levites.
Monday. Numbers 1.
They only counted the men who could go to war. But they did not count the Levites. Is that because they would not go to war?
Monday Numbers 1
Israel was prepared for war just like we as Christians should be prepared for spiritual conflict as satan could attack at anytime and our flesh is constantly trying to tempt us.
Numbers 2-3
God didn’t have the same plan for all the tribes. The Levites weren’t soldiers like the majority were. I feel like a lot of people get the idea that if they’re not a preacher or a missionary that they can’t do anything for God but the Levites were just as essential to Israel as workers as the rest of the tribes were as soldiers. God might not call us to be a preacher it might be His will for us to work at Walmart for all we know but the important thing is that we do have a ministry for Him, that we spread the gospel, which we can do without being a preacher or a missionary.
I agree with dalton wow never thought I’d say that. God could want us to spread gospel wherever we go we could tell others at Walmart we could preach in Dunkin any where we are we should show that we are different you don’t have to go across the world to do that.
Numbers 1 Monday November 29 this chapter was really a cliffhanger it left off at , they were preparing there groups for war
Numbers 2-3
Every small task was important to God He wanted all the people to follow His plan and do it for the Lord. I think it’s cool that God can use all deferent people in His plan. And it helps me to know that God has a purpose for me too!:)
Numbers 12-13
I find it crazy how the Israelites had God in their camp and their needs were supplied by God daily, yet they were still too scared to go to the land that God promised He would give to them >:(
Deuteronomy 28
in this chapter, it talked about how the Lord would establish holy people unto Himself. God wants Christians to be holy. we should be christ-like if we claim His name.
( p.s. I’m very upset about the fact that I couldn’t change my picture. it wouldn’t let me pick the name Chloe. or Clyde or I like tacos or Huckleberry Finn or frank. I’m very hurt that my name is not accepted. like I can’t change my name. GEEZ. )
God wanted to bless the Israelites but they had to obey Him.
Saturday Deuteronomy 28
Forgot bout that
I didn’t really get anything from Deuteronomy 28. So I went to Psalm 116. And I liked in verse 5, how it talked about God’s mercy and grace.”Gracious is the Lord, and righteous; yea, our God is merciful.”