Week 18
April 27 – Thomas – John 20:1-29
Thomas is known as “Doubting Thomas” because of the story we read today. Jesus appeared to the disciples as they were gathered together. Jesus spoke to the disciples, but did not gain recognition until Jesus showed them His hands and side. It was then Jesus gave them Holy Ghost power. We are not sure why Thomas was not with them on this occasion, but he missed Jesus physically appearing to them. You can imagine the excitement as they told Thomas about the events of the day and what he had missed. I don’t know if it was out of disbelief or just disappointment when Thomas exclaimed that he would not believe Jesus was alive until he touched Jesus’ hands and side. It was not until eight days later that Jesus would come again to the disciples. After greeting the disciples, Jesus lovingly turned to Thomas and invited him to touch His hands and side. Thomas gladly believed. Jesus did not show that He was upset with Thomas, but was trying to encourage his faith to grow.
Sometimes our actions reveal our disbelief. Jesus comes to us to invite us to truly believe in Him. Believe that He died for our sins. Believe that He rose again from the grave. Believe that He ascended in to Heaven. Believe that everything that happens in our lives, He uses for our good. Believe that He loves you. Maybe you are experiencing your “seven days of disbelief.” Let me encourage you that the eighth day is coming and Jesus will show Himself real on your behalf, and you will excitedly exclaim “My Lord and My God.”