June 29 – Conversions Spread – Acts 8

In Acts 8 we witness many folks becoming Christians.  People are not being saved because it was the popular thing to do.  In fact, people were being saved with the understanding that they would be persecuted severely for it.  Why were these folks ignoring their safety and comfort to claim Christ and openly worship Him?  Why were folks getting baptized even though it was going to bring danger to them and their family?  The answer is twofold: 1) the power of God was upon those boldly witnessing for Christ.  We see the power of God working through human instruments as miracles were performed.  2) the people saw the value of wholeheartedly following Christ.  They realized Christ not only solved the great eternity issue, but also solved any earthly issues as well.  

Today, many have trusted Christ as their Saviour solving their eternity problem, but refuse to see the value in wholeheartedly following Christ.  Many do not want to be holy or separated unto God, because they do not see the benefits in doing so.  Because of this our churches are full of Christians going to Heaven, but denying themselves access to God’s Power.  Without God’s power, churches will dwindle until they eventually die off.