July 4 – New Life in Christ – Ephesians 2

The Old life (verses 1-3) is compared with the New Life (verses 4-6).  We were dead, but now we are alive.  We were enslaved, but now we are enthroned.  We were objects of wrath, but now we are objects of grace.  We used to walk among the disobedient, but now we fellowship with Christ.  We were under Satan’s dominion or rule, but now we are in union with Christ.

Verses 8 through 10 gives us a simple version of how to attain the new life, and what is expected of us as we enjoy our new life.  Salvation is a gift of grace from God that must be accepted through our faith.  It has absolutely nothing to do with our works or lack thereof, but we were certainly created to perform good works.  Our Creator instilled within us an understanding of good works and the necessity and reward that comes with good works.  We cannot accept that part of the reward for good works is salvation.  

The New Life in Christ is a wonderful, adventurous, fulfilling, and peace-filled life.  Let’s put away the Old life, and wholeheartedly throw ourselves into living the New Life that pleases God.