June 22 – The First Sin Creates a Need – Genesis 3

Today we read the account of the first sin committed by man, and several needs are created as a result of the sin.  The sin was simple disobedience.  Adam and Eve from the forbidden tree.  They were partners in the sin as Adam was with Eve when the serpent tricked her into taking a bite from the fruit of the forbidden tree.  Of course, Adam quickly followed by eating from the tree as well.

There were several needs created when God spoke with them about their sin.  The first need mentioned was clothes.  The first sacrifice is mentioned as God kills an animal to provide clothing for them.  They would also need a home as they were kicked out of the Garden of Eden.  They would need to provide food for themselves as now Adam had to plant and work a garden.  The most important need was the need of a Saviour.  They would need a perfect man willing to give his life to pay for their sin.  Without a Saviour willing to sacrifice Himself, they would have no hope of Heaven.  Every one of us has the same need as Adam and Eve.  We need a Saviour to take our place and pay for our sin debt.