July 20 – A Prophet’s Prayer of Acceptance – Habakkuk 3

The Prophet Habakkuk begins writing in chapter 1 about the injustices of his day, and ends with chapter 3 praising God.  Habakkuk complains to the Lord about the wicked having their way over the righteous.  God replies that the Chaldeans will invade bringing judgment.  Habakkuk comes back to God complaining that it seems unfair.  God responds with the encouragement to just have faith and justice will prevail.  Habakkuk 3 praises God in the face of tribulation and adversity.  He praises God for His power and salvation.  There are benefits that follow Habakkuk praising God.  Along with joy being manifested in his heart; courage, strength, and confidence quickly follows.  These are byproducts of his faith in God and praise to God in the face of trials.  He learned to accept God’s judgment and circumstances in his life.

When trials come to you, it is opportunity for your faith to grow as you learn to just trust God’s judgment.  As your faith grows, do not forget to praise God in all things.