July 9 – Moses’ Song to the Lord – Exodus 15

Moses’ prayer of praise is in the form of a song.  He praises God for the victory over the Egyptian army.  He sings of his reliance on God in troubling times.  Moses sings to God and promises to exalt Him.  Moses sings about the enemies of God hearing about God’s mighty power and the fear this knowledge brings them.

This was a worshipful prayer that was sung out loud for all to hear, but was sung whole-heartedly to God.  You may not have a wonderful voice when you sing, but God wants to hear the song that is in your heart.  Sometimes you may have mournful heart, but God still wants to hear you.  Many times when David sung in the book of Psalm, he sang of tribulations, heartaches, fears, doubts, and needing help.  Let me encourage you to sing to the Lord.  Yes sing of trials, but also sing of victories.  Sing of your weaknesses, but also sing of His mighty power.  God deserves to hear you sing to him.