September 5 – Esther – Esther 2 & 4

Esther is a young lady that was placed in a position and given an opportunity that called for much courage.  She became queen after the queen that preceded her refused to do improper acts for the king.  Esther was insecure and unsure of herself.  This manifested itself when one of the king’s top men requested permission to kill all the Jews.  Esther, being a Jew herself, was in grave danger, especially if she decided to request protection for all the Jews.  She exercised good judgment by requesting prayer and fasting be done so the king would spare her life and save her people.  I understand why she was scared and needed encouragement.  If she came into the presence of the king without the king’s request to do so, she would be killed.  Mordecai, Esther’s uncle, tried to encourage her in verse 14.  He mentioned the incredible way God works in our lives.  God guides circumstances in our life so as to best prepare us for the opportunities that will come our way.  God placed Esther in the circumstances surrounding her for her to exercise courage and act on the opportunity that presented itself to her.  God utilizes our faults, mistakes, successes, experiences, strengths, weaknesses, and present circumstances to take help us navigate the current opportunities that come our way.  Let us lay aside past hurts and present fears to please God in the opportunities He places in our paths.