In Exodus we read again about the priest’s garb (shown below) and finally about them putting into practice all of the things that God had them do regarding the tabernacle.
Reading all of these steps that the priests and people had to go through to commune with God makes me so thankful for Jesus Christ.

Exodus 39-40 Saturday
We should please God. it says that the priest had Holiness to the Lord.
Exodus 39-40
Today we pretty much just finished the garments for the priests and what they should make them out of. I think it is very important to follow exactly what God command, even if sometimes it doesn’t make sense.
I agree but girls are still the best.
Once the tabernacle was finished how God wanted it His presence filled it. Similarly I think if we’re doing what God wants His presence in the form of the Holy Spirit fills us and it can be just as evident as the cloud/fire that was with the tabernacle depending on what we let Him do.
I am impressed with your deep thoughts.
Great diagram of what the priest would look like!
So proud of our LIT Crew, being faithful at being determined to gain something from Scriptures on a daily basis. Keep up the Great Work!
Leviticus 19-20
In verse 28 it basically tells us not to make markings‘’tattoos’’on our body’s. I think that’s why we should not have tattoos, because when we become a Christian a body becomes a temple for the Holy Ghost.