August 25 – Jesus’ Ascension into Heaven – Acts 1

Jesus gave the disciples a distinct message before He ascended into Heaven.  The last question Jesus answered was from the disciples, and it addressed when Jesus would set up His earthly kingdom.  Jesus answered that it was not for the disciples to know God’s timing just yet as God was the only person to control that.  Jesus did commission the disciples to go in the Holy Spirit’s power to be witnesses in Jerusalem and around the earth.  I can understand why the disciples stood flat footed, staring into Heaven when Jesus went up through the clouds.  It must have been an unbelievably awesome experience to see.  It could have been they were a little dumbfounded as to what to do next.  Sometimes in the Christian life, circumstances can catch us flatfooted and a little dumbfounded as to our next course of action.  In this instance, God placed two angels to speak to the disciples to bring them back to reality and get them moving in the right direction.  So it is with us many times when we get together with Christian brothers and sisters in Christ when we are at church or fellowships.  We have conversations that will reassure us of Christ’s return and God’s full control of our circumstances.  Church attendance and physical fellowship is still quite important, even in challenging times or I should say . . . especially in challenging times.  May God bless you and give you His assurance today.