September 26 – Jonah Changes – Jonah 2-3

Jonah’s attitude and actions change, but only after his world is shaken.  God had told Jonah to go preach in Nineveh.  Jonah hopped on a boat and went the opposite way.  God brought a storm into Jonah’s life to help him get back into God’s will.  After doing every human thing to ride out the storm, Jonah submitted to being thrown overboard to save the lives of everyone on the boat.  Jonah enters the next phase of his world being shaken by being swallowed by a whale.  It is after 3 days and 3 nights that Jonah had enough.  He humbled himself, admits his failure, and fervently prays for forgiveness and deliverance from the circumstances.  God does have the whale vomit Jonah up on shore.  God comes to Jonah again, but does not change his desire for Jonah to go to Nineveh.  This time Jonah obeys immediately.  God gave Jonah another chance to obey.  If your world has been shaken, you are in a great position to make the necessary changes to please God.  Let me encourage you to: 1) submit to God  2) humble yourself, admit your failures, and ask God for forgiveness and deliverance  3) obey immediately.  Your life is in God’s hands, but your attitude and actions are in your hands.