June 13 – Homesickness – Nehemiah 1-2

Nehemiah is overcome by grief when he gets a report of how things had digressed in Jerusalem.  He remembers how things used to be, and is deeply saddened.  His demeanor has changed so much that the king notices that something is wrong with Nehemiah.  It is interesting to note 2:1 when the Bible makes a special emphasis that Nehemiah had never been sad in the King’s presence before this time.  I am sure Nehemiah had bad days before this time, being a slave in captivity.  Nehemiah had managed to maintain a pleasant spirit without complaint or even a gloomy disposition.  He had much to be sad, angry, and complain about, but was able to keep a godly spirit.  Too many Christians always walk around “down in the mouth” about something.  It is hard to tell if something is truly grieving them because they rarely show a happy spirit.  Nehemiah was truly touched by the state of Jerusalem, and was granted help from the King; because Nehemiah, like Daniel, had a reputation of having an excellent spirit.  As Christians, we ought to be the happiest, most hopeful, encouraging, pessimistic, and peaceful people on earth.  We have Heaven as our Home, Jesus as our Intercessor, The Holy Spirit as our Guide, and God as our Heavenly Father.  Praise the Lord!  We have much for which to be joyful!