June 12 – Youthful Ruler – II Chronicles 34-35

There are many similarities with yesterday’s story and today’s story, but with a significant difference in ending.  Josiah was eight years old when he became king.  The main difference is found in 34:3.  Josiah began to seek a personal relationship with God.  At 16 years of age he began to destroy the groves of the false idols that people were worshipping.  It took him 10 years to completely get rid of the false idols, it was then that he began to repair the House of the Lord.  He was 26 years old when Shaphan read the Bible to him.  In 34:27 Josiah listened and heeded the Bible.  In verse 31 Josiah decided and made a covenant before God.  In verse 33 Josiah took action.  It was said of Josiah that he caused others to serve God, and he followed God all his days and “departed not from following the Lord.”  This is something we all wish for our children.  It is important but not enough to train our kids to join a ministry to serve God, memorize verses, read a devotional, and faithfully attend church.  It vitally important to help them nurture a personal relationship with God.  It is necessary to beg God to give our children a desire to please God.  Let me ask you a personal question . . . when was the last time you fasted and prayed for your child to have godly desires?  We love our children more than words can describe, but too often we allow other distractions to steal our focus and prayers for them.