November 4 – The Greatness of Nature – Job 38

God asks Job 38 rhetorical questions for Job to face and answer to himself in this chapter.  God challenges Job in verse three to face the questions like a man!  God does not want to hear any excuses or reasons, but wants a blunt answer.  God addresses any excuses in verse two when God asks who is really behind the excuses and words without knowledge.  All of the questions are to challenge Job to place God in the proper view and priority in Job’s life.  These questions are bold without much interpretation needed to come to a conclusive answer.  Job is to set aside any great mental, spiritual, and physical problems he is experiencing to give his heart and confidence totally to God.  What a great chapter to be reading the very day after a presidential election, and a virus that has tested so many Christians display of faith!  

After reading this chapter, I wonder, what questions would God ask Christians today?  Maybe some of God’s questions would be:  Why are you so scared of the outcome of the election?  Who controls the fate of America?  Why can you go to the grocery store or restaurant, but cannot faithfully attend church?  Why can you serve your boss at work, but cannot serve Me?  When will you serve Me wholeheartedly again . . . when man says it is safe to do so or when I say to do so regardless of safety?  There are many more questions we could imagine, but if we answered the questions God asks in Job chapters 38 through 41, we will come to the same conclusion that Job came to in the beginning of Job 42.  Will we answer the questions honestly or with excuses?