December 12 – The Last Supper – John 13

This passage does not contain the Lord’s Supper, but it does give the account of the last supper Jesus has with His disciples.  What Jesus does after they had eaten was from the standpoint of being an example for His disciples once He was gone.  Jesus prepared Himself by pouring water in a basin and grabbing a towel.  He proceeded to wash each of His disciples feet.  In verse 15 Jesus commanded His disciple to follow His example by serving one another.  Jesus knew that if they heard and obeyed His commands, His disciples would experience true happiness.  If we are going to be true servants of God, we must be servants to one another.  If we are going to accomplish being a servant, we must follow Christ’s example.  Jesus prepared Himself to serve . . . so must we.  Jesus humbled Himself to serve . . . so must we.  Jesus had a reason to serve . . . so must we.  Jesus served until the job was done . . . and so must we.  Let’s be servants.

One quick note to emphasize.  If you are feeling unloved or unimportant . . . read verse one slowly, and especially take your time to read the last two phrases.  God loves you more than you can imagine!