November 11 – The Ruler of All Creation – Isaiah 40

This chapter is introduced to be comforting to God’s people.  It magnifies the everlasting Word of God.  It highlights the strength of God in His hands and arms.  It puts on display the power and majesty of God.  It uncovers the fallacy of idols or anything that is placed above God.  It crescendos to God applying His strength and power to those that wait upon God in verse 31.  To wait upon the Lord does not mean to stockpile toilet paper and water, then hunker down in your basement.  Since we know that waiting upon the Lord means more than standing idly in one spot; ask yourself the question, “what does it mean?”  If you can find out how to wait upon the Lord correctly, you will mount up with wings as eagles, run and not be weary, walk and not faint.  If you are not soaring with eagles; if you are weary of running; if you are fainting when you walk . . . . either you are not “waiting upon the Lord” correctly or the Word of God is not true.  What will you do to seek out how to correctly wait upon the Lord?