November 5 – The Wildness of Nature – Job 39

As we read today’s passage, we can sense the raw power that is contained in parts of nature.  God points out to Job the many different displays of power and strength we can witness in nature, and He points out that the power came from Himself.  God speaks of the incredible resilience of the wild donkey, the untamable nature and pure strength of the unicorn, the incredible beauty of the peacock, the fearless ostrich, the great strength of the horse, the wisdom of the hawk, and the ability of the eagle to soar to incredible heights.  All of this was a direct result of God’s control over nature.  If God can give attention to the smallest detail of each of these, and equip them to be powerful in the environment in which God places them; surely, God can and will take care of you and I!  Praise the Lord for His strength and power!