February 14 – Asa – 2 Chronicles 14-16

Asa began his reign pleasing God.  He listened to the prophet when the prophet told Asa that if he would seek the Lord, he would find Him, but if he forsook the Lord, the Lord would forsake Him.  This encouraged Asa to rebuild for protection and tear down the altars of false gods.  Asa experienced 10 years of peace until pride brought his peace to an end.  When told that he was being prideful, Asa got angry at God’s messenger and threw him in prison.  As Asa became more callused to God being involved in his life, he came to the point where, even in his health, he refused to ask God’s help.

We see Asa responding to God’s leading in three different ways.  There are three ways we can respond to God’s leading and direction in our lives.  1) We can ignore it and do what we want.  2) We can take offense and become angry at the implication that we need changed.  3) We can happily receive correction and adjust our actions accordingly.

Let’s be determined to lay aside our own feelings and opinions, and have the desire to please God in our lives even if we need corrected to do so.