Week 11

March 9 – Baruch – Jeremiah 36, 43, 45

Baruch was instrumental in Jeremiah’s ministry.  Baruch put in the long hours writing the things Jeremiah told his to write.  Baruch put himself in harms way by going and proclaiming to the people the things Jeremiah had spoken and told him to proclaim.  Baruch had been very faithful in his service.  As the king had the writings burned, Baruch tediously sits down to write another copy of Jeremiah’s dictation.

In the short 45th chapter of Jeremiah, God gives a message to Baruch.  These verses seem to say from God’s viewpoint:  “Baruch, if you think you are dealing with problems, look at what I am about to do.  I am ready to tear down what I have taken centuries to build up.”  I don’t know what “great things” Baruch was seeking for himself.  It may have been that Baruch was getting impatient to see God’s prophecy fulfilled.  I do know that God took care of Baruch for his faithful service.

Let’s determine to stay faithful even when at times it can get tedious.  Let’s not get impatient and seek to follow God’s timetable in our lives and ministries.  #PleaseGod