April 2 – Blind Bartimaeus -Mark 10:46-52

Bartimaeus was a blind beggar until Jesus passed by.  He went from asking for money to asking for a miracle.  He wanted God to change the way he lived.  What did Bartimaus do?

1. He realized the opportunity of Jesus passing by.  He heard that Jesus of Nazareth was going to be passing him.  He understood the window of opportunity was a small one.  He knew he needed Jesus

2. He called out to Jesus.  Unable to see Jesus, he continually called out to Jesus.  Others became annoyed at his continual calling, and pressed him to stop.  This pressure did not stop him, but made him call out more fervently.

3. He came to Jesus.  When Jesus stopped and requested for Bartimaeus to be brought to Him, Bartimaeus left his possessions and obeyed.

4. He made a specific request.  When Jesus asked Bartimaeus what he wanted, Bartimaeus was specific in his request.  

Do you want God to change the way you live?  How badly do you need Jesus?