January 21 – Deborah – Judges 4-5

We understand as Christ set up the first church in Acts, there were requirements to being a Pastor.  One of these requirements was the gender must be a male.  God has used ladies in leadership positions, other than being a pastor, throughout history.  In the Old Testament God placed a 40 year old lady, Deborah, to be a prophetess, leader, and judge in Israel.  In today’s scripture reading, we see how God used two women in a great way.  Deborah was going to initiate and orchestrate 10,000 men going to battle led by Barak.  Their complete victory would be dependent on another lady.  Jael was a wife and simple home maker that was used by God to give victory to the Israelites.  It was through her ingenuity and pluck that Sisera, leader of the enemy, was nailed to the floor.

God continues to use ladies today.  He uses leaders and homemakers.  Both are vitally important.  Without Deborah and Jael performing their own separate jobs God gave them, they would not have won.  Whatever God gave you to do, understand that your job is vitally important.  Praise the Lord for women who take the job God gave them, and treat it like the queen of England takes her job!