February 19 – Hilkiah – 2 Chronicles 34:14-33

Hilkiah was a priest in a time when being a priest was not very honorable.  Manasseh and his son, Amon, were terrible kings of Judah that set up false idols for the people to worship.  They had created a culture where serving the true God was looked down upon.  Hilkiah brought God’s Word to the attention of the king not knowing if Josiah’s reaction would be positive or negative.

Here are a few observations about Hilkiah.  He recognized the Bible when he found it.  He understood the importance of the Bible.  He knew the Bible should be shared.  It would be wise for all of us to apply these three attributes to our own lives.  We need to recognize that the Bible is God’s Holy Word, understand It’s importance, and share It with others.