January 30 – Jonathan – I Samuel 14, 20

Jonathan is the first born son of Saul, Israel’s first king.  He is in line to be the next king.  There are several things about Jonathan that are worth copying.  Although he is royalty, he is not afraid to get his hand dirty.  He is a warrior of great courage.  He is a natural leader as he leads his armourbearer into a dangerous situation, and gains complete loyalty from his armour bearer.  Jonathan was a man that trusted God (verse 10).  Jonathan was placed under the leadership of Saul who made flippant and silly decrees, such as not to eat until the battle was won.  Yet, Jonathan still followed in his proper place.  Jonathan would have made a great king, but would never be king due to Saul’s sin against the Lord.  God declared that the kingdom would be taken away from Saul and his family, to be given to someone that would obey completely.

Jonathan could have easily gotten bitter and could have blocked David’s path to be king.  Instead we see Jonathan’s desire to please God as he helps David escape Saul’s clutches in chapter 20.  Jonathan saw the bigger picture.  Even though it seemed unfair for him to give up his place as the next king, he knew it was God’s plan for David to lead Israel as the next king.  It is an honorable thing for us to put the kingdom of God ahead of our own entitlements, desires, and wants.