February 12 – Josiah – 2 Kings 23

Josiah became king at the age of eight (2 Kings 22:1).  At age 26 he began rebuilding the Temple.  After finding the Bible while cleaning out the Temple, he had the Bible read to him.  Just hearing the Bible read, caused him to begin “cleaning up” the kingdom by destroying the false gods and their temples.  This is the back story as we begin today’s reading.

Notice the passion with which he took on this mission to make sure he was pleasing God in ridding Judah of false gods.  As in his kingdom, so it will be in our lives, that it will begin with reading the Bible.  Let us not minimize the importance of sitting down and devoting our full attention to the reading of God’s Holy Word.  As in his kingdom, so it will be in our lives, that great changes were made after reading the Bible.  It is a great blessing to be a child of God, and have the privilege to be different from the world.  It is important that our difference is noticeable.  Can someone pick you out of a crowd and identify you as a Christian (imitator of Christ)?  

During family devotions this morning, the point was made that we experience religious freedom in our lives.  This is true, and I am glad our “king” does not force us to worship a god.  However, we are sometimes guilty of putting priorities over God, creating false gods in our own lives.  Let’s not allow a sport, job, music, family, hobby, or any other part of our lives to become a god, or priority, above the Saviour Jesus Christ.