March 25 – Peter – Matthew 26:20-75; I Peter 1-2

By trade, Peter was a fisherman.  He was called to become a fisher of men.  Peter was the only disciple to walk on water with Jesus.  Peter was one of the three disciples chosen to go pray with Jesus in the Garden of Gethsemane.  Peter was the first to assure Jesus that he would die with Jesus before he would deny Him or be offended on His account.  When Jesus was betrayed, it was Peter that drew his sword, and cut off the ear of Malchus who was helping to take Jesus captive.  As loyal, dedicated, and zealous as Peter was; he still ended up denying Christ three times.  Jesus knew Peter was not perfect, and would eventually forsake Him.  Knowing this, Jesus still chose Peter as one of His disciples.  As many times as we have disappointed Jesus; He has still chosen you and me.  Jesus’ love and forgiveness is immeasurable.  Let’s do our best to follow Christ’s example and be loving and forgiving to one another.