by Pastor Snow | Dec 31, 2019 | Daily Bible Reading, Daily Devotionals
December 31 – Eve – Genesis 2:18 thru 3:24 Eve was created to fill a void in Adam’s life. Although Eve made a mistake, she was still the best thing that happened to Adam. As in any successful marriage, Adam and Eve stuck together even though...
by Pastor Snow | Dec 31, 2019 | Daily Bible Reading, Daily Devotionals
Adam – Genesis 1:26 thru 2:17 As we begin another year, we are going to take a renewed look at many different people contained in the Bible. As we read about the differences in personalities, backgrounds, circumstances, successes, and failures, let us understand...
by Roger | Dec 31, 2019 | Pastor's Pen, Uncategorized
President Calvin Coolidge was a classic Vermonter, but not a classic politician. He was a man of few words, great common sense, and very strong character. Even after his presidency, he remained very popular with the American people. One of his traits was the ability...
by Roger | Dec 31, 2019 | Pastor's Pen, Uncategorized
I once read about the time one-sixth of a vote kept a man from being governor. Back in 1874, each county in Missouri was represented by one delegate, providing it had a population of at least 500. Counties with less than that number were represented on a pro-rated...
by Roger | Dec 31, 2019 | Pastor's Pen, Uncategorized
The old saying is true: “Good is the enemy of best.” Take lighting for example. We’re all thankful for electric lights – life would be much more difficult without them. Yet in a city filled with artificial light, it’s hard to see the far...