April 9 – Mary Magdalene – Luke 7:36-8:3

The introduction of Mary Magdalene is set up by the story of a woman washing Jesus’ feet.  We read of an unnamed woman coming to Jesus while He was eating.  The Pharisee eluded to her as a sinner, quite possibly known as a prostitute that had heard Jesus preach and repented.  Her tears and expensive alabaster ointment were a testimony of her gratefulness to Jesus.  In reply to the Pharisees thoughts, Jesus gave a brief parable.  The moral of the parable is revealed in verse 47; “to whom little is forgiven, the same loveth little.”  This story introduced Mary Magdalene who had seven demons cast out of her by Jesus.  Mary must have loved Jesus as illustrated from the previous parable.  Her love, devotion, and loyalty is seen throughout the Gospels.  It seems she was always close by to meet a need, or just give her support. 

Luke mentions three well-to-do ladies who, out of gratitude for being healed by Jesus, supported Jesus and His disciples.  Mary from the town of Magdala became a fixture in the background of many of Jesus’ acts, and was used to deliver the message of His resurrection.  Joanna, who is also mentioned in 24:10, was married to a man with an important position under Herod Antipas.  Nothing else is said about Susanna.  Mary was the only one mentioned with such a great problem of demon possession as well as infirmities being healed as mentioned in the other Gospels.

Jesus deserves all the love and loyalty we can give.  All of us have room for improvement.  Let us determine to please God in our love, devotion, and loyalty to Jesus.