April 10 – The Good Samaritan – Luke 10:25-37

In todays story, we have a lawyer, a smart man, asking a question of Jesus.  Though he wasn’t asking from his heart, he seemingly wanted to show Jesus that he knew the answer in verse 27.  Jesus, in the way only He can do, gives the Lawyer an example of an unlikely hero.  A Samaritan.  The Samaritans were not looked upon kindly in the Bible days.  The Jews held a great hatred towards them as the Jews saw themselves as pure descendants of Abraham and the Samaritans were a mixed race, un-pure.  And yet here, we have a man laying on the side of the road, obviously hurting, penniless and unable to help himself.  A priest and a Levite walk by and actually cross to the other side of the road so they don’t have to be near this poor, hurt man. Yet the Samaritan, not effected by anything but compassion, stops, assesses the situation, wraps the mans wounds and takes him to the INN, making sure he is fed and cared for before leaving to finish his chores.  But he didn’t just drop him off, he paid for his room and left enough of his money to cover whatever this wounded man needed.  All at his own expense.  All without a second thought.  He just did what the Lord has asked us all to do….love others as we love ourselves.  

What can you do today to love others?  We certainly have many opportunities in light of COVID 19.  Today, the kids and I (Amy) are going to write notes and purchase some snacks and treats for Copley Police and Fire Department.  It won’t be much, but it’s what we can do.  What can  you do today to show Jesus’ love to someone who may be struggling?